
Symbols The Scales
Ruling Planet Venus
Personality Calm, perfectly balanced, detached, fair-minded, intellectual with power of analysis.
Positive Qualities Gracious, indecisive, artful, just and balanced, diplomatic, charming, intelligent, alert.
Negative Qualities Indecisive and changeable, at times swinging one way or other, flirtations and shallow.
Element Air
Ruler Venus
Gender Masculine
Gemstone White Topaz


Your Moon sign in Libra graces you with elegance, refinement and artistic abilities. You are likely to be very diplomatic, balanced, gracious and sensitive to others' feelings. You are blessed with wealth earned through your own efforts, and you love comfort and luxury, as well as beauty and harmony. Refinement is important to you, and you look for the same in the people you associate with. A very strong intuition is another one of your qualities. Idealistic by nature, you are also extremely accommodating and popular, with a very large social circle.